Oil furnace service cost
Oil Furnace Repair Costs. Oil furnace troubleshooting, diagnosis, service and repair, is best performed by a trained and certified technician, who knows the ins and outs of the unit being worked on. We recommend you always have a professional look at your oil furnace before you ever attempt to repair it on your own. Parts: A typical oil furnace costs between $500 and $2500, based on size, brand, and efficiency and can heat a house that is around 2000 square feet or less. Larger houses will require larger furnaces in the $3000 - $4000 range. Replacing an old oil-fired furnace with a new one typically costs $2,000-$5,000 for a simple installation of a basic model, but it can cost $6,000-$10,000 or more for a larger, more energy-efficient unit with a difficult installation, such as a complex floor plan or hard-to-reach ductwork. Search thousands of topics on CostHelper.com